14 Feb 2009

The mutual trap of intersubjective nets

Individuals in badly functioning societies might come to realisations about why these societies do not work. They might then go on to share these observations with others. These truths might spread, and be shared by many people. Yet these ideas will fail to change the way society at large works, and the minority who are in the know will go back to acting like everyone else. There is simply too much pressure from the intersubjective common knowledge of how things usually are. This might be through corruption, male dominance, the power of the clan, clientalism, religion etc. These deeply embedded cultural traits have incredible resilience and might last over several generations.
Those who see the shortcomings of the given society are left only two options from the traditional trinity of voice, exit and loyalty. Voice comes to be seen as pointless. Repeated attempts only wear down the energies of the individual. Loyalty is aa plausible option. The individual can always explain their confirmity. "Here is where I was born...". "One needs to make a living..." The other realistic option left is exit.